Monday, February 14, 2011

Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?

I love these doors! You may remember that we took the glass out of old antique doors and had them reset into two converging pocket doors. The trim has not been installed around them and they are covered in Sheetrock dust but I LOVE them and therefore felt the need to post them anyhow.

P.S. I would love them more if they would post upright. I still haven't figured that out!

1 comment:

  1. Kate Hartman!! My computer crashed in November. I've been checking email on my phone but haven't looked at a blog since. I just spent my Sunday afternoon reading AND ADMIRING every post!! It's BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL and I'm so, so, so happy for y'all. I also LOVE the blog so I get to see the details of your hard work!! LOVE EVERY WORD AND PICTURE!! You are creating my dream home!! Miss you!!
