Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cabinet Designs

Until now, I never thought that much about cabinets. Don’t get me wrong, I would see cabinets I liked but I never took the time to figure out what exactly it was about a certain cabinet that I really liked...until now.  Now I notice cabinets everywhere and find myself looking at every little detail, or lack of detail as it may be. When we first started with the house design, Josh and I began pulling pages out of magazines and books, marking internet pages and surveying every house we entered. We both liked really simple shaker style cabinets with exposed hinges but to us the function of each cabinet was just as important as the outward design. In order to satisfy my need to see the cabinets and to make sure that every little detail was correct and functional, I drew each cabinet in the house to scale in plan in section view. Those crazy engineering tendencies I guess.  It took a while but it forced us to think about the function and appearance of the cabinets in each room. We spent a lot of time measuring existing cabinets, and marking out spaces with furniture to get a feel for an area. We added every note we could think of to insure the cabinet maker understood the design and layout. I will admit that now that I am writing this it seems a little crazy but honestly this whole project is a little crazy so this is just par for the course.

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